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During the summer of 2018 I visited Mount Emei, a mountain near Chengdu, China with an elevation of 3099 m. The experience was truly incredible! Read the story to find out more!
URL:/adventure/emeiI'm an active member of the Scouting troop in my local community. With frequent campouts and rank advancements with the goal of becoming a better citizen in the world, it's a program that I deeply believe in.
URL:/adventure/scoutingA happy birthday page that can be customized to say different people's names.
URL:/happy-birthdayCounting down to the new year! I made this to count down to the 2021 year, but it can be used in the future for following years. When the countdown reaches 0, the page will change.
URL:/happy-new-yearFor fun, I coded this calculator that can quickly solve certain math requests. Not a calculator for equations, but for things like prime factoring, which I often find useful.
URL:/math/calculatorWishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!
URL:/merry-christmasClick the button at this link to see what it does! I coded it for my teacher to use and she really liked it!
URL:/newsMany years ago, when I was first learning HTML, this is what my premature website looked like. My website has really come a long way since then. Go check it out!
URL:/oldI put some of my school projects on this page. Check them out! This is the most visited page of my website.
URL:/schoolThis was a school Literacy project where we were to do a novel study on a book we read. Of course, I chose to do it on this website. Check it out!
URL:/school/beyond-the-treesThis was a school Science project about desalination techniques and challenges. Read it if you want to learn about how to turn saline water into freshwater!
URL:/school/desalinationThis was a school French project, where we were to make a 'photo essay' with at least 6-8 French sentences in futur proche. Read it if you can (or use Google Translate)!
URL:/school/futur-procheThis was a school French project on bullying and how to stop it! Read it if you can (or use Google Translate)!
URL:/school/intimidationI took an Introduction to Computer Science high school course. I made a webpage specifically for my assignments and projects. Check it out! Note that most IntroToCS sublinks are not listed in the Other page.
URL:/school/intro-to-csIn my Introduction to Computer Science course, my final project involved coding a website to solve a problem. In our school, we've been using many education platforms, and it's been hard for some to keep track of their assignments. I chose to code my own Google Classroom alternative that encompasses the features of all the other websites we've been using. After over 20 hours of coding and debugging, I'm proud of my finished product. Go check it out! The username is 'AnAwesomeStudent' and the password is 'AVerySecurePassword'.
URL:/school/intro-to-cs/classroomThis was an English project where, after reading the book Fahrenheit 451, we were to write a series of blogs in Montag's perspective on the events of the story.
URL:/school/fahrenheit-451This was an English project where we were to create an 'interactive museum' about a historical event. I did it on the Nanjing Massacre, the mass killing of Chinese civilians in Nanjing during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
URL:/school/nanjing-massacreI'm in the Engineering pathway at school. This page shows all the major projects we have done in class, from Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, and Engineering Design and Development.
URL:/school/engineeringAP Lang project: make a webpage with various pieces of satire! It's time to make fun of anti-vaxxers.
URL:/school/ap-slayingCheck out the page about my interest in coding! And yes, I coded this website too!